Вып. 1(41), 2016

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-1-126-132

Geological- ecological- social- and economic approach to the development of natural resource potential of northern poorly known areas according to the system theory pdf

A. I. Tatarkin, V. V. Balashenko, A. V. Dushin, M. N. Ignat'eva, A. A. Litvinova, V. G. Loginov, I. G. Polyanskaya, A. I. Semyachkov, Yu. O. Slavikovskaya, V. V. Yurak

The results of the second year of research under the grant № 14-18-00456 (Russian Science Foundation) are reflected in the article. It is implemented under the leadership of Academician, Dr in Economics A. I. Tatarkin. As a result of the research we have developed consistent aspects of the geological- ecological- social- and economic approach from the consistency point of view. It demanded to address the system theory and explore the relationship between the natural and socio-economic subsystems within the ecological and economic system. Based on the identified trends we demonstrate the necessity of investment projects of the development of the natural potential (which is being developed in the framework of regional ecological and economic systems) that are oriented on the equilibrium of natural resource management. The natural resource management provides a balanced environmental capacity of the technosphere and ecological technology capacity of the area. Particular attention is paid to the ecological optimization of the landscape with the help of a network of special protected natural areas (SPNA). We have found the distinctive features of the modern Russian system of SPNA, detailed a list of ecosystem and resource functions within the different types of SPNA, systematized methodical approaches to the justification of the network of SPNA, improved methodological tools of economic evaluation of the lands with nature reserve purposes. We have also developed guidelines for the assessment of the environmental situation the territory, based on the excess of the actual components of the pollution indicators of the environment over the background or maximum allowable concentration. The second stage of evaluation procedures in respect of renewable natural resources providing an investment zoning is detailed. Based on the potential demand for natural resources we recommend allocating the seven typical landscaped areas, five of which are estimated in the article.

The program of group development of the prospect objects with mineral potential of the North Subpolar and Polar Urals is supplemented by the scenario and determined the size of a possible investment reduction from the beginning of the opening of a deposit. Completeness of institutional capacity in relation to Russia and Kazakhstan is estimated. We have identified the emerging social and environmental effects of the industrial and transport development of northern territories. The article offers a methodical approach of enlarged assessment of economic damage, based on the decrease in the economic value of natural resources under the influence of anthropogenic impact. Lines of possible balance between tra- ditional and industrial natural resource management is formulated. We offer the methodological tools of assessment the comfort of living providing for the use of the scores in the zonal and azonal factors approved for areas within the prospective transport corridor. These studies are the basis for the construction of the optimization of economic and mathematical models aimed at the selection of variants of the natural potential development meeting the requirements of the equilibrium of natural resource management.

Keywords: consistency; development; network of special protected natural areas (SPNA); investment attractiveness; group development; effects; economic damage; comfort of living.



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