

N. V. Galkina, M. N. Poleshchuk 


DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-2-148-152


N. V. Galkina, M. N. Poleshchuk / News of the Ural State Mining University 2 (2018) 142-147


The relevance of the work is conditioned by the possibility of improving the efficiency and safety of mining production on the basis of the formation of synergy of staff interaction in reproduction and innovation.
The purpose of the work is to develop tools ensuring the formation of a synergy for innovation in the mining industry.
Research methodology. The system approach was used. It allows to form synergy of interaction of the personnel in solving problems of reproduction and innovative development of mining production.
Results. It is determined that the task of reproduction and improvement of occupational safety in mining industry leads to the formation of a synergy of interaction of participants of ad hoc working groups. This is done to resolve the critical state of production factors. Solving problems of innovative development leads to the formation of a synergy of interaction of participants of innovative groups. This improves the efficiency of use of resources and achieve on this basis a more favorable strategic position of the enterprise market. It is proved that the basis of the conceptual approach of forming the interactive synergy for the staff in the reproduction and innovative development should be organized with the interaction of staff. The conditions
for their work should be created. This will allow to improve the consistency of positions of personnel in relation to the significance of the innovation improvements in manufacturing. The tools for assessing the consistency of staff positions, as well as the scheme of the manager’s activities for the implementation of innovations are proposed.
Applying the results. The use of the developed management tools in practice will allow the manager to organize a coordinated interaction of the mining enterprise staff to solve complex and large-scale innovative transformations.

Keywords: mining enterprise; reproduction; innovation; synergy; manager; working group; innovation group; staff; interaction; staff positions.



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