
Study of regularities of deformation processes in the rock mass for estimation of sites for important objects of subsoil use

Y. P. Konovalova

УДК 528.48:622.83:621.049 https://doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-3-98-107


Yu. P. Konovalova / News of the Ural State Mining University 3 (2018) 98-107

Relevance of the problem. The problem of ensuring the safe placement of vital objects is extremely urgent. A proper evaluation of the phenomena and processes occurring in the rock mass is an important point in the choice of sites for the construction of such facilities. One of the factors determining the stressed-deformed state of the massif is modern geodynamic movements. Regulatory documents providing the criteria and requirements for ensuring security when placing some important and dangerous objects do not fully correspond to modern outlooks about geodynamic movements. The reasons for the lack of a technique for diagnosing the current geodynamic activity of the massif suitable for mass  mplementation in engineering surveys lie in the complexity of identifying taking into account patterns in either space or time in the distribution of the parameters of geodynamic movements.
Purpose of the work is to study the distribution of deformations due to modern geodynamic movements in a  ierarchically blocky rock massif to improve the geodynamic diagnostics methodology for the location of important objects.
Methods of research: analysis and generalization of the results of geodetic monitoring of trend and cyclic short-period geodynamic movements obtained at local geodynamic technological test site from tens of meters to 25 km.
Results. According to repeated geodetic measurements at the bases from tens of meters to 25 km for a time interval of several hours to 3-4 decades, the dependencies of the relative strain module on the length of bench interval are established. Based on the dependencies, the maximum values of deformations that can be used as critical deformation criteria for the study of territories of different areas and the choice of parameters of the monitoring network are obtained. When the deformation parameters of trend and short-period movements of the same benches of the observational network
are compared, the relations are established in the orientations of the principal strain axis calculated from measurements over a long period of time and over a daily session of continuous measurements with a discreteness of 10-20 minutes.
Conclusion. Based on the revealed regularities in the distribution of the deformation parameters of geodynamic movements in the massif of rocks, the main principles for the selection of safe locations for particularly sensitive subsoil use objects are substantiated and presented.

Keywords: modern geodynamic movements, important subsoil use facilities, nuclear power plant, hierarchically-block massif, self-organization, deformation, geodynamic diagnostics.

The studies were carried out within the framework of the foundation for basic research program No. 136, topic No. 0405-2015-0012.



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