

N. M. Suslov, S. A. Chernukhin


УДК 622.232  https://doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-3-108-113


N. M. Suslov, S. A. Chernukhin / News of the Ural State Mining University 3 (2018) 108-113. DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-3-108-113


Relevance of the work is caused by the need to improve the efficiency of drag-line excavator work in conditions of open mining.
Purpose of the work: study of the main aspects of energy consumption of a drag-line excavator to its movement, as well as develop promising solutions to improve the walking mechanism in order to reduce the cost of moving the machine and, in general, improve the efficiency of using drag-lines.
Methodology: a detailed study of the cycle of the excavator walking and the establishment of the stages of the cycle, which require the need to improve the design.
Results: mechanisms of movement are important components of the construction of excavators, providing technological and transport movement of the machine and largely determine the effectiveness of its use. The existing designs of hydraulic walking machines are energy-intensive in connection with the need to raise the excavator base to a large height to provide a pitch. The energy of the lifted excavator is subsequently lost. The changes in the current design of the movement mechanism are shown; they eliminate the shortcomings with the help of a hydraulic lift cylinder and hydraulic
accumulators in the hydraulic circuit; also there is a change in position of the tractive cylinder actuators in combination with sliding base. The justification of the selected solutions was carried out by calculation.
Conclusions: for these types of walking excavators, the proposed changes can significantly reduce the cost of moving, and therefore increase the efficiency of the excavator as a whole. This is confirmed by the above calculations, tables, and graph.

Keywords: mining machines, overburden operations, excavator, hydraulic drive, hydraulic cylinder, dragline excavator, energy recovery, walking mechanism, three-point drag-line, walking equipment, increasing efficiency.



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