

Konstantin Vasil’evich ROCHEV, Sergey Alekseevich POLISHCHUK, Dmitriy Sergeevich MARCHENKO

УДК 331.21:004.021



K. V. Rochev et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2018. Issue 4(52), pp. 135-142 


Relevance. Evaluation and stimulation of labor are one of the most important components of management, since the effectiveness of work and competitiveness of the organization as a whole depend on them to the greatest extent.
Purpose of the work. The aim is to review some methods of evaluating the results of labor activity from the standpoint of their application in the vocational training system and implementation in the index system of labor assessment.
Tasks. To form a systematic approach to stimulating a university team, propose and evaluate an index method of measuring work results based on a system approach, investigate the work of these models in the operation of information systems for individual segments of the university, determine the main directions for improving the developed incentive system based on the results of its testing and analysis of the behavior of personnel and student groups in the conditions of operation of this system.
Subject: working activity assessment.
Study object: personnel and student groups in the field of vocational education.
Results and their application. The main modern approaches and theories of labor motivation are considered, their implementation when developing the incentive system in the professional education is noted. The stages of fomation of the motivational environment in the university complex and the support of incentives on the key principles of the systems approach and theories of labor motivation are presented. The application of the developed automated system to the assessment of activities and stimulation of students and teachers in the field of higher and secondary vocational education is described. The key features provided by the developed system are indicated.
Conclusion. The value of the research lies in the proposed approaches and methods for evaluating the performance of various segments of the higher education institutions. Additional relevance to the research is given by the creation of an information complex consisting of incentive systems for teachers, staff and students.

Keywords: index system, index-rating system, labor incentives, key performance indicators, financial incentives, quality assessment at the university, informational support of education, university.



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