
UDC 338(075.8)

Implementation of resource saving policy in the conditions of mining enterprise

V. E. Strovskiy, V. N. Valiev

The article describes the mechanisms for the implementation of resource-saving policy of the mining enterprise, based on the close relationship of this policy with the trends of ecological activity. Among trends of the ecological activity are manufacturing, control and regulatory, organizational and management, human resources, financial and economic. Given that the production line was considered earlier, the attention of researchers is occupied with four main types of ecological activity. Disclosure of the contents of each of the areas is performed from the perspective of the implementation of resource-saving policies. Managing of ecological activity requires a system of indicators that can be used for planning and subsequent monitoring of the execution. If there are any deviations of actual indicators from planned, the deviations causes are investigated and correction is performed if necessary. Among the fundamental principles that are reflected in ecological activity is the compliance with environmental legislation, the recognition of the leading role of directorship in the development of resource-saving policy, the reality of formed intentions, openness to the company’s employees and the general public, a systematic assessment of the impact etc.

The proposed system of estimated indicators can be considered as basis of planning of the environmental activities in the company, reflecting resource-saving nature of the latter.

Keywords: environmental activity; trends; resource-saving policy; environmental indicators.



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