
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-25-28

Features of physical properties of soil of technogenic landscapes of forest-steppe zone of Kuzbass pdf

A. M. Shipilova, I. S. Semina

The article discusses the features of the main types of embryozems formed in the dumps located in the forest-steppe zone of Kuzbass. An intensive exploitation of coal deposits resulted in accumulating of a considerable fund of disturbed lands in the Kemerovo region. Technogenic landscapes appear in the place of once fertile land, through these areas regenerate themselves over time. These sites have a specific structure caused by the composition of the parent rocks, microclimate and the technology of deposits mining. Gradually they fit into the surrounding biogeocoenosis, become suitable for any particular purpose, and cease to be a source of negative effects on the environment. Therefore, the aim of the research was to study the physical properties of soils of technogenic landscapes, located in the forest-steppe zone of Kuzbass. The authors selected dumps located on the territory of Bachatskiy coal deposit as the main object of the study. The soil at the studied site consists of technical earth, humus-accumulative, organic-accumulative, sod and an initial embryozems, leached black earth. Сomparing the heaps parameters with the soil parameters that are typical of a given area in order to identify the differences allows authors to make a conclusion of relation between main indicators of the physical properties of a soil and the substrate that was a basis for formation of a certain soil type. These soil descriptions illustrate the diversity and specificity of the soil cover, as well as a variety of soil remediation and environmental consequences of technogenic landscapes.

Keywords: technogenic landscapes; remediation; remediation resources.



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