
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-41-45

On the geologic efficiency of seismic prospecting in studying different types of non-anticlinal traps of Azerbaijan pdf

T. R. Akhmedov

This article focuses on the application of seismic methods, the study of their capabilities in prospecting and exploration of non-anticlinal traps, which are widespread in Azerbaijan. This article describes the materials of 3D seismic exploration conducted on one of the areas of Apsheron peninsula in 2012. In the study area, the author received a temporary cube in the range of 0–6 seconds. Seismic data on the entire section covering the neogene sediments has a good quality, which makes
it possible to carry out an unequivocal interpretation. Geological information and analysis of the wave pattern allowed conducting a seismostratigraphic subdivision of section of studied area. The nature of the wave field divides the entire range into two seismostratigraphic megacomplexes: miocene and pliocene. We studied mainly three types of non-anticlinal traps, which are, in our view, widespread within Azerbaijan: traps controlled by low-amplitude disturbances; zones of pinchout
of individual packages of sediments; and other types of traps, such as paleorivers beds.The application of different procedures for processing 2D and 3D seismic data gives very different results in studying of different types of anticlinal traps. For example, coherence cube of 3D data does not allow identifying disjunctive dislocations, and the author had to resort to using the traditional methods of allocation and tracking of disturbances on the wave field. The study shows that in miocene and lower pliocenelow amplitude disturbances play a major role in the formation of non-anticlinal traps of small size.The article specifically describes the anticipated non-anticlinal traps in the sediments of the lower pliocene–miocene of different areas of West Apsheron. The 2D seismic survey revealed pinchout areas, most shallow of which relate to the seismic horizon SH-IV, dated to the underlying productive strata deposits, which is adjacent to the horizon SH-V, related to the upper strata of
diatom. At depths of about 2800–3800 m in the underlying with diatoms sediments there are several pinchout areas. These pinching deposits expectedly belong to the oligocene sediments. The study of pinchout zones by the method of instantaneous dynamic characteristics did not give the desired results, although their data allowed to verify the existence of zones of pinchout, but was too imprecise to clarify the position of the pinchout point. Application of Q-filtering was a success: at such a great depths pinchout point position was set accurately. Dynamic 3D seismic data analysis allowed isolating and tracing of the paleo channel of the ancient Volga at the Apsheron Peninsula, which many researchers spoke about.

Keywords: non-structural traps; low-amplitude disturbances; pinchout zone; paleorivers riverbeds; disjunctive dislocation; 3D seismic exploration; pliocene; miocene, coherency cube; kinematic and dynamic signs of irregularities.



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