
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-105-108

Environmental aspects of modernization of the Russian economy pdf

L. A. Mochalova

The article is devoted to the modernization of the economy, whose main areas are new industrialization (neoindustrialization) and the formation of post-industrial (information) economy based on higher technological ways. The processes of modernization should allow eventually moving from raw material export development strategy of the country’s economy to the innovative strategy. However, social and environmental effects must accompany them, at the expense of development of environmentally friendly economic activities, use of the «green» innovative technologies and environmentally friendly equipment. As an important step towards the «green» economic modernization in Russia the author considers initiated by the government transition to the best available technologies, contributing to the comprehensive prevention and (or) minimization of negative impact on the environment. The author supposes that economic modernization should be supported by the state through the implementation of the related industrial and environmental policies, consisting in direct state participation in the updating of machinery and technological processes in industrial enterprises as well as in indirect: through the use of economic instruments of promoting of the economic subjects (tax incentives, penalties). The author also draws attention to the necessity of preparation and implementation of strategic planning documents at the federal, regional and municipal levels, within which economists must present not only economic but also environmental medium and long-term objectives, targets and indicators.

Keywords: modernization; new industrialization; industrial policy; the best available technologies; economic incentive instruments; environmentally friendly production.



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