
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-109-114

State regulation of transnational technological chains involving russian companies of the mineral complex in the Russian Arctic pdf

E. V. Vetrova, L. V. Lapochkina, L. V. Minchenko

The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for improving national economic efficiency of realization of projects of the Arctic on the basis of conceptual proposals on state regulation of the region. Methodical research tools includes statistical and comparative analysis, system analysis, situational analysis of the market, forecasting techniques, methods of peer review. The article presents the research of the role of mining sector in the russian economy and the proof of its raw material nature. Analysis of the global added value chains in the industry showed a low added value of russian companies. Analysis of changes in the structure of the economy based on the advancing coefficients revealed no significant changes in the structure of the economy for the analyzed period. On this basis, the authors concluded that Russian industrial policy in general, and in the Arctic region, in particular is ineffective. The authors identified the problems of formation and implementation of the state industrial policy in the Arctic region, analyzed shortcomings of implemented at this stage state policy in the industrial sector of the Russian Federation. The authors also formulated the conceptual approaches to public policy change in the Arctic on the example of its European part. The basic idea consists of regulating the production chains in such a way as to increase the added value created by the Russian companies involved in the development of the Arctic. At the same time, another problem is solved – the development of the manufacturing industry in the southern regions of the Northwestern Federal District. The study also justifies the necessity of harmonization of the objectives of state regulation of technological chains and companies goals for criteria of improving of national economic efficiency.

Keywords: global chains; added value; Arctic; mineral raw resources; industrial policy; government regulation; technological chains; effective functioning; advancing coefficient.



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