
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-2-71-74                                                                                     Publication Date 11.07.2017

Enhancement of the bodies of destruction of heading-and-winning machines of the "Ural" type pdf

D. I. Shishlyannikov

The author performed analysis of cutting schemes for massifs of potassium-magnesium salts by the executive body of heading-and-winning machines of the "Ural" type. The author have proved that the accepted design parameters of the rock-breaking executive bodies of these excavating machines determine the significant output of small difficult for concentration classes in breakage products during chip formation, which causes an increased specific energy consumption of the process of destruction of the potassium massif. The cutters of rotary disks realize the most complex cutting schemes for working face, and their trajectories are determined by the frequencies of relative and portable rotation, as well as by the feed rate of the combine. A significant amount of dust-like classes in ore form during the working face destruction by a breaker machine, berm cutters and feed screws, due to the small thickness of the cuts and the sickle-shaped chips, as well as the implementation of a successive cutting scheme. The specific energy costs for the separation of potassium ore by the auxiliary executive bodies are 5-6 times higher than for the destruction of the working face by the cutters of the planetary-disc executive bodies of the combine. The article presents the results of experimental studies of the process of potassium ore destruction by successive, staggered and cross cuts. The author proves efficiency of the cross cutting scheme of cutting potassium salts in comparison with traditional schemes of massif destruction: the specific energy inputs decrease by 25-30% and the output of small unenrichable fractions in ore decreases tenfold. The author proposes the design of the perspective planetary-disk executive body of the combine, which performs the destruction of the potassium massif with crossing cuts. The author substantiates the necessity of using the staggered cutting scheme for the destruction of the potassium massif by auxiliary executive bodies of the "Ural" type combines. Implementation of the proposed technical solutions aimed at improving the executive bodies of tunnel-cleaning combines of "Ural" type does not require significant material costs and a drastic change in the technology of production of these mining machines.

Keywords: heading-and-winning machine; executive body; cross cutting scheme; potash massif; specific energy consumption; unenrichable fractions.



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