
Vladimir I. Golik


Dr, Professor, Chief Researcher

North-Caucasian State Technological University

Vladikavkaz, Russia

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Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6602135324

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1181-8452

Major research interests: mining, methods of extraction of metals by leaching, utilization of mining and mineral processing wastes with the activation of components, training of highly qualified staff.


Author and co-author of more than 1100 publications.


Main publications:

1.  Golik V. I., Polukhin O. N., Petin A. N., Komaschenko V. I. Environmental problems of working out of ore deposits of Kursk Magnetic AnomalyGornyi Zhurnal. 2013. (5), pp. 93-97.

2. Golik V. I., Rasorenov Y. I., Efremenkov A. B. Recycling of metal ore mill tailings. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014. 682, pp. 363-368.

3. Polukhin O. N., Komashchenko V. I., Golik V. I., Drebenstedt C. Substantiating the possibility and expediency of the ore beneficiation tailings usage in solidifying mixtures production. Scientific Reports on Resource Issues Innovations in Mineral Ressource Value Chains: Geology, Mining, Processing, Economics, Safety, and Environmental Management. Freiberg, 2014, pp. 402-412.

4. Golik V., Komashchenko V., Morkun V. Geomechanical terms of use of the mill tailings for preparation. Metallurgical and Mining Industry. 2015. 7 (4), pp. 321-324.

5. Golik V. I., Stradanchenko S. G., Maslennikov S. A. Experimental study of non-waste recycling tailings ferruginous quartzite. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. 10 (15), pp. 35410-35416.

6. Golik V., Komashchenko V., Morkun V. Feasibility of using the mill tailings for preparation of self-hardening mixtures. Metallurgical and Mining Industry. 2015. 7 (3), pp. 38-41.

7. Golik V. I., Kozhiev Kh. Kh., Stradanchenko S. G., Khasheva Z. M., Shulgaty L. P. Array management using ore processing tailings. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2016. 11 (6), pp. 1223-1228.

8. Borshevsky S. V., Kachurin N. M., Burdzieva O. G., Golik V. I. Prospects for extraction of metals from mine waste water. Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories. 2017. 9 (1), pp. 81-91.

9. Golik V. I., Razorenov Y. I., Lukyanov V. G. Environmental and economic aspects of resource saving in mining. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University, Geo Assets Engineering. 2017. 328 (6), pp. 18-27.

10. Golik V. I., Efremenkov A. B. Control of Rock Mechanics in Underground Ore Mining. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2017. 221 (1), 012013.

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