
Ivan A. Sadovenko

Dr, Professor
National Mining University

Dnepr, Ukraine

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Scopus Author ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55217778700
Major research interests: hydrogeomechanics and hydrodynamics of complex geotechnical systems; development of mineral deposits; ecological safety of industrial facilities.


Awards: State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.

Chairman of the specialized academic council for the protection of doctoral dissertations.

Head of three international projects with partners from Germany, Japan, the United States.

Author and co-author of about 200 publications.


Main publications:

1. Sadovenko I., Rudakov D., Inkin O. 2014. Geotechnical schemes to the multi-purpose use of geothermal energy and resources of abandoned mines. In: Progressive technologies of Coal, Coalbed Methane and Ore Mining. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group. A Balkema Book. pp. 443-450.

2. Sadovenko I., Tymoshchuk V. Hydrogeodynamics of the contact surface "lining-saturated rocks" in opening mine working (2013) Annual Scientific-Technical Colleсtion - Mining of Mineral Deposits 2013, pp. 85-90.

3. Sadovenko I.O., Rudakov D.V, Zagrytsenko A.N., Tishkov V.V. 2013. Assessment of flow and transport processes resulted by interaction between open pit and flooded mine in Central Ukraine. 2eme Seminaire International sur L'industrie Minerale et L'Environment. LRN Annaba, 19-20 Nov. 2013. Recueil des Resumes 2013. Vol. 3. P. 26.

4. Sadovenko I. A., Inkin A. V., Yakubovskaya Z. N., Maksimova-Gulyayeva N. A. Evaluation of gas losses during storage in aquifers of the western doniets basin (2012) Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 6, pp. 18-24. 

5. Sadovenko I. A., Derevyagina N. I. About activation potential of loess landslide massif (2012) Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2, pp. 80-84. 

6. Rudakov D. V., Sadovenko, I. A., Inkin, A. V., Yakubovskaya Z. N. Modeling of heat transport in an aquifer during accumulation and extraction of thermal energy (2012) Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 1, pp. 40-45. 

7. Sadovenko I.O., Rudakov D.V., Inkin O.V. Hydrogeomechanical assessment for parameters of underground gas storage in the aquifer. Scientific Reports on Resource Issues. University of Resources.Freiberg. 2012. Vol. 2, p. 196-208.

8. Sadovenko, I., Rudakov, D., Podvigina O. Analysis of hydrogeodynamics in a mining region during exploitation till closure of coal mines (2010) New Techniques and Technologies in Mining - Proceedings of the School of Underground Mining, pp. 61-69.

9. Sadovenko I., Rudakov D., Petrivskyy Ya. Modeling of uranium in-situ leaching on an artificial deposit pre-treated by hydraulic rupture. Scientific Reports on Resource Issues. Int. University of Resources. Freiberg. 2010. Vol. 2. pp. 204-210.

10. Садовенко И. А., Рудаков Д. В. Динамика фильтрационного массопереноса при ведении и свертывании горных работ Д.: НГУ. 2010. 216 c.

11. Sadovenko I. O., Rudakov D. V., Timoschuk V. I. Analysis of dynamic impact on a ground slope during destruction of an emergency house Proc. NATO ARW “Coupled site and soil-structure interaction effects with application to seismic risk mitigation”. Borovets, Bulgaria, 30.08-02.09.2008.  Springer. 2009. pp. 305-312.

12. Садовенко И. А., Рудаков Д. В., Рябичев В. Д., Якубовская З. Н. Моделирование движения вязких смесей в трещиноватых породах // Науковий вісник НГУ. 2008. № 7. С. 35-39.

13. Ya. Petrivsky, I. Sadovenko, D. Rudakov. Сrack extension in rocks under the artificial mineral deposit caused by injection of a fracturing non-Newtonian fluid. Scientific Bulletin of the NMU, Dnipropetrovsk. 2008. № 6. pp. 34–37.

14. Садовенко И. А., Рудаков Д. В., Якубовская З. Н. Управление параметрами физико-химической нейтрализации остаточных растворов подземного выщелачивания Науковий вісник НГУ. 2008. № 8. С. 14-19.

15. Rudakov D. V., Sadovenko I. O. Modeling of coalbed methane migration in mined out rocks. Proc. of 21 World Mining Congress, Underground Mine Environment. Krakow, 07-12 Sept. 2008. P. 63-72.

16. Rudakov D. V., Sadovenko I. O. A probabilistic approach to control toxic solute transport in fractured mined rocks. EPA/NGWA Conference “Remediation of abandoned mine lands”. October, 2-3, 2008. Denver, USA. 12 р.

17. Садовенко І. О., Лустюк М. Г. Теоретичні та прикладні основи механо–гідравлічної технології опробування, проектування та розробки родовищ бурштину в Україні. Рівне, видавництво Європейського університету, 2008. 280с.

18. Садовенко И. А., Рудаков Д. В. Прогноз долговременной локализации объекта радиационной опасности в шахтном поле // Проблеми екології. Донецьк: ДонНТУ. 2007. № 1-2. С. 20-25.

19. D. Rudakov, I. Sadovenko. Modeling of methane emission during working out and flooding the mine field. Scientific Bulletin of NMU. 2006, no. 5, pp. 67-72.

20. Садовенко И. А., Инкин А. В. Моделирование процесса вытеснения продуктов газификации из кровли подземного газогенератора. Форум горняков: матер. междунар. конф. Днепропетровск, 2006. С. 117–122.

21. Рудаков Д. В., Садовенко И. А. Моделирование гидродинамических процессов в окрестности шахтного ствола // Науковий вісник НГУ. 2005. № 8. С. 9–13.

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