
ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-14-17

Development of the rational scheme of geological exploration process, its analysis and significance for prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbons at the russian sector of the Caspian sea PDF

I. V. Bystrova, T. S. Smirnova, D. A. Bychkova, M. S. Melikhov

To conduct a justified assessment of the perspective resources of the Caspian Sea and adjacent territories, the authors develop a rational scheme of the geological exploration process with its analysis and identification of significance for hydrocarbon exploration in the northern part of the Caspian Sea. The paper outlines the methodological approaches and concepts of introducing this scheme in search for oil and gas. This allows us to justify and select the optimal set of research methods at various stages of oil and gas production. The system of structure and principles of organization scheme of the geological prospecting process allow to identify the optimal complexes of methods of geological-geophysical and other studies for these stages. The article provides information confirming the necessity of developing and implementing this scheme in the geological exploration process of the studied territory. The necessary development of opportunities in carrying out this work fundamentally changes the qualitative aspect of the geological exploration process. The facts presented in the article allow to study in detail the structures of the shelf zone, the thicknesses and composition of productive subsalt deposits, and to trace their interrelation with continental structural elements. The paper shows the importance of providing, at different levels, a rationale and choice of an optimal set of research methods at different stages of oil and gas prospecting during the development of a rational geological exploration scheme for hydrocarbons in water areas. This paper presents a proposed block diagram of a marine geological prospecting process for hydrocarbons. It describes the sequence of performing the types of work at the regional, exploratory and exploration stages. For each stage of the study, the authors set the tasks, determine the objects of research, methods of geological and geophysical research and their results, and determine methods for engineering-geological investigations. Environmental studies gain particular attention, due to the stringent requirements for geological exploration of oil and gas at all stages. For these purposes, the authors strongly recommend to carry out regional environmental monitoring to assess the impact of geological exploration on the environment.

Keywords: platform; water area; gravimetry; magnetometry; geochemical survey; exploration and evaluation stage; ecological monitoring; storage tank; seismic prospecting; collectors; tires; hydrocarbons.



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