Issue 2(42), 2016


Usage of neural network model for configuring of automatic gas turbine power regulators pdf

G. A. Kilin, I. R. Ziyatdinov, B. V. Kavalerov

The article discusses the use of neural network mathematical model for the automated setup of automatic control system of a gas turbine unit (GTU), consisting of a gas turbine power plant. The peculiarity of the construction of models based on neural network technology lies in the fact that the structural and parametric identification of the object takes place automatically during the process of training the neural network. Thus, we greatly simplify the technology and reduce the time of receipt of mathematical models for a GTU and GTU-SG system. A unique feature of the developed complex of techniques consists in the fact that they allow you to automatically, without human intervention, obtain mathematical models GTUs and promptly implement configured (tested) on a mathematical model, automatic control systems (ACS) on the real objects. The usage of software system significantly reduces the cost of developing, testing, ACS GTU, as all the experiments on the installation of ACS GTU are carried out on the resultant GTU model, rather than the real object, and this leads to fuel, human and time resources savings. As a result, improving the ACS GTU for power plants improves the main indicators of quality of generated electricity. However, it is important to make a follow-up inspection of the solutions on the full-scale facility before industrial using of the obtained adjustment regulators of GTU. In the long term, on the basis of the algorithm, it is possible to implement a mobile setup complex (MSC), with which the expert, having set an experiment on a real installation and downloading the results in MSC, receives a mathematical model of GTU, at which he can configure ACS GTU like it is really operating.

Keywords: neural network; mathematical model; identification; automatic control system; gas turbine unit; automated setup; regulator.



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