Issue 3(43), 2016

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-34-40

Features of heat methods of influence on developed oil deposits of Azerbaijan pdf

B. A. Bagirov, A. M. Gadzhiev

Successful implementation of thermic enhanced oil recovery methods requires systematic monitoring of the processes of development of reserves, which is an urgent task of commercial geology. The technique is based on the proposition that if heat carrier is injected into the formation, it must affect not only the formation temperature increase and thereby decrease of viscosity and density of oil, but also lead to changes in nature of formation water mineralization.
One should take into account the fact that the movement speed of water in a porous medium will always outpace the speed of thermal conductivity of rocks and its saturating fluid, which will provide more timely and reliable information on the direction of heat carrier flow. The nature of the variation of ionsalt composition depends on the type of heat influence, if steam embeds the formation the salinity of the formation water reduces, and during fire flooding along with a decrease of viscosity and density of oil increases the temperature of the formation water, which increases its chemical activity.
Therefore, water produced with the oil, on the background of various salt composition changes, usually has an increased content of ions Na+ + K+ and Cl-.
This study allows to reasonably assuming that the thermal influence on layers, in any of its modifications, regardless of their geological heterogeneity, leads to characteristics change in the chemistry of water, which allows making operational changes in development plans using the heat influence. The revealed effect is an argument for including analysis of the hydro-chemical information in the range of research conducted in the course of the heat influence on layers.

Keywords: oil output; reserves; mineralization; salinity; viscosity; density; temperature; thermal methods; steam influence; fire flooding.



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