Issue 1(45), 2017

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-1-44-49

Modern anthropogenic deposits and their usage for the assessment of environmental status of urban areas pdf

A. A. Seleznev, I. V. Yarmoshenko, A. S. Savast'yanova, A. B. Makarov

The comparative analysis of two types of recent anthropogenic sediments of urban territory was conducted. The sediments from local surface depressed zones of urban landscape and bottom sediments of anthropogenic water bodies were studied as environmental indicators. The study was conducted at the territory of Ekaterinburg (Russia). The sediments of local surface depressed zones of microrelief are represented by the sediments of puddles and surface mud. Puddle sediments are formed due to the bad urban environmental planning and management. The composition of puddle sediment is represented by the particles of soil, sand, peat, dust and small debris.
Studied anthropogenic water bodies are the former open-cut mines flooded with atmospheric precipitations and fire ponds in the suburbs of the city. The composition of sediments of the water bodies is mainly represented by pulp. The correlation was studied between the heavy metals content in the sediments of local surface depressed zones of microrelief and in soils in the city. The similar origin of metals was found for the sediments of local surface depressed zones of microrelief and city soils. It was shown that the puddle sediments and soils in the city have the same association of heavy metals. Two association of heavy metals were found in the puddle sediments: typomorphic association (Mn and Co) and technogenic (Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb). The pH level does not affect the mobility of the metals in the puddle sediment. The characteristic geochemical association for heavy metals Mn-Zn-Ni-Cu-Pb-Co was found for sediments of local surface depressed zones of microrelief, bottom sediments of anthropogenic water bodies and soils in the city.

Keywords: recent anthropogenic sediments; sediments in local surface depressed zones of microrelief; bottom sediments; heavy metals; urban environment; environmental assessment.



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