Issue 1(45), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-1-88-93

Energy efficiency of building enterprises as a factor of growth of their competitiveness in conditions of public-private partnership pdf

D. S. Voronov, N. V. Gorodnova, S. V. Pridvizhkin

The exhaustion of natural resources, the greenhouse effect, as well as the ever-increasing human demand for energy resources force to seek new sources of energy. In this regard, one of the most urgent problems of the economy is the problem of increasing energy efficiency of both companies and industries, and the country economy. World experience shows that the most effective form of realization of innovative projects aimed at improving energy efficiency is a public-private partnership (PPP). Expert community recognizes subject of this scientific article as one of the most urgent for the Russian Federation. The aim of this study is to justify a new theoretical approach to the assessment of the energy efficiency of capital construction projects as a major factor of increasing the competitiveness of the activities of the construction company and the partnership as a whole. This approach allows to develop tools for assessing energy efficiency of public-private partnership projects, and take into account this specified index in the evaluation of the overall index of competitiveness of companies. Authors used such methods as factor analysis, matrix methods, operational methods, methods of business valuation and dynamic methods. As a result of research this research authors present developed toolkit of assessment of the energy efficiency of capital construction, carried out within the framework of the implementation of innovative projects of public-private partnerships, and refined assessment methodology of the overall competitiveness of the company, which may be useful to the private businesses and government
authorities. The conclusion is that the use of new and innovative technologies as well as the increase of the competitiveness level of Russian companies will increase the level of energy safety of both individual regions and the country as a whole.

Keywords: public-private partnership; company; construction; energy efficiency; competitiveness.



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