Issue 1(45), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-1-97-99

Natural potential as a basis for socio-economic development of the territory pdf

M. S. Kubarev

This paper clarifies the concept of the natural system, serving as an object of nature management and the role of each component belonging to it. The author considers natural systems from the perspective of the specific features of the ecosystems and geosystems, of which the latter shows a larger number of interrelations and has a more multi-faceted concept. The article also reveals essence of the vertical and horizontal structure of geosystem, main functions and features, among which stands the
integrity and stability. The focus stays on the characteristics of the natural potential, performing the socio-economic functions and determining the direction of nature management. The author recommends allocation of the three types of potentials: prospective, real economically feasible and real environmentally feasible, which is a part of the previous one, but includes the natural resource and environmental resource potentials. Real economically feasible potential describes the ability of natural resources to meet the human need on the condition of economic profitability and technical availability. The real  environmentally feasible potential determines the mass of natural resources that one can use without disturbing their internal relations, functions and features that are part of the real economically feasible potential. Finally, a perspective potential is the ability of natural resources to satisfy human needs in the future, when it would be cost-effective and/or technically possible. Such an approach allows considering the development of natural potential while respecting natural ecosystems preservation conditions, their bioregulation ability. Lack of a clear understanding of the economic valuation of ecosystem services does not allow justifying the value of their real economically feasible potential, but does not exclude the recognition of the need to introduce environmental restrictions on its use. As follows from the practice, the combination of resources, their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, the role of various resources determines the most favorable conditions for the development of certain types of resources, and the preferred type of developed resource defines the economic direction of the territorial-industrial complex.

Keywords: natural potential; resources; rationalization; restriction; development.



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