Issue 2(46), 2017

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-2-23-27                                                                                     Publication Date 11.07.2017

Formation of groundwater in the river valleys of intermountain basins of Tien-Shan and Pamir-Alai pdf

L. E. Orolbaeva

Mountain ridges divide the territory into drainage basins within which special natural conditions appear: climatic, geological-hydrogeological, hydrological, ecosystem. The article contains the characteristics of the geological-hydrogeological structure of intermountain artesian basins of Tien-Shan and Pamir-Alai. The author considers factors influencing the formation of water resources of intermountain basins and gives characteristics of river feeding types and main sources of groundwater formation in river valleys. One can see presented hydrodynamic features of basins and a map of geohydrological zoning of the Kyrgyz Republic. Surface and underground waters of mountain geosystems of Tien-Shan and Pamir-Alai are closely and intricately interconnected. For the Tien-Shan basins, the article contains data on the magnitude of the loss of river flow for infiltration and groundwater feeding. The author considers features of formation, movement and unloading of underground water streams of artesian basins, as well as the factors of formation of infiltration losses from riverbeds and supply of groundwater flows. The article presents the analysis of the formation of infiltration losses from riverbeds and discharge of groundwater into rivers. The article also contains a description of the regularity of the confinement of sites with the highest specific losses of river flows to certain river fragments. For the basins of the rivers Chu and Naryn, there is data on the discharge of groundwater into rivers. The study of the features of the interaction of groundwater and surface water based on special hydrometric studies and balance studies has made it possible to identify the types of their interconnections and their connection with specific sections of river valleys of mountain geosystems. The results obtained will allow correct organizing of the formulation and conduct of further research.

Keywords: intermountain basins; mountain ecosystems; groundwater; infiltration; discharge of groundwater; interconnection of underground and surface waters.



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