Issue 2(46), 2017

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-2-82-87                                                                                     Publication Date 11.07.2017

Laws of plastic deformation and destruction of solids pdf

A. V. Zhabko

The work is devoted to establishing the regularities of plastic deformation of solids. The author proposes using the functions of surface fluidity and plastic potential, based on his earlier studies. The limiting surface for these functions is the surface of destruction of solids (rocks), described by well-known Coulomb law. In fact, the proposed function is the law of plastic deformation of solids. The author analytically proves that during the process of plastic deformation, a reversal of the structural elements of a solid occurs. These studies explain some of the inconsistencies one observes during rock testing for strength. The author substantiates the possibility of using the rotation of structural elements during plastic deformation for predicting and controlling fracture processes. The article contains energy variational principle of destruction of solids. Based on it, there is the laconic explanation of the appearance of ring structures near some mine workings - the phenomenon of zonal disintegration of rocks. The author proposes a dependence for calculating the scale factor of this phenomenon. The author substantiates the geometric proximity of the slip surface shape in the slopes to the circle arc. In deriving the equations, the author used the fundamental laws and principles of mechanics in a rigorous mathematical formulation of problems.

Keywords: failure criterion; differential equation; principal stresses; angle of inclination of sliding platform; fluidity surface; function of plastic potential; coulomb's law, plastic deformation; dilatancy; variational principle.



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