Issue 3(47), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-80-84

Methodical tools for assessing the implementation of the financial strategy of the territorial system pdf

I. V. Naumov

The aim of this study is the development of methodological approaches for assessing the implementation of the financial strategy of the territorial system. The study reflects the methodological approaches used in practice to assess the implementation of financial strategies for territorial development, and their advantages and disadvantages. The author substantiates the necessity of using the tool of creating a balance model for obtaining accurate assessment of the implementation of the financial development strategy of the territory. This model shows the fullest reflection of the financial flows between the institutional sectors and financial institutions of the territorial system. The given tool allows to reveal the basic problems of financial development of public sector of economy, sector of house economy, commercial corporations, financial institutions and foreign organizations and to correct the financial strategy of territorial development according to the revealed problems. The novelty of the proposed methodological approach to assessing the implementation of the financial strategy for the development of the territorial system consists
in, firstly, the ability to identify potential threats to the financial stability by the institutional sectors of the economy, through the study of the financial flows between them. Secondly, it consists in the possibility of justified formation of specific measures for stabilizing the financial development of institutional sectors and adjusting the financial strategy of the development of the territorial system, through using economic and mathematical tools for studying and forecasting the financial flows.

Keywords: financial strategy; matrix of financial flows; institutional sectors; regional system.



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