Issue 3(47), 2017

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-97-101

The management of solid municipal waste: domestic and foreign experience pdf

L. A. Mochalova, D. A. Grinenko, V. V. Yurak

The authors consider the problem of the formation and placement of solid municipal waste (SMW), which becomes more and more relevant year by year for Russia, including the Sverdlovsk region. Referring to foreign experience, the authors note that in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to form an effective management system for SMW, which should be based on corresponding normative legal acts. The authors consider the organizational and economic aspects of reforming the SMW handling sphere. In particular, there is a need to develop processing infrastructure. In order to activate this process, the authors propose to increase the allocation of budget funds to this area of tariffs for the placement of SMWs at polygons and the amount of penalties for improper waste handling. One of the steps to the formation of an effective organizational and economic mechanism for SMW management in Russia is the possibility of introducing an environmental fee, which manufacturers and importers of goods have to pay when they do not provide for self-disposal of waste from the use of goods or they have not met the established standards for
waste management.

Keywords: ecological safety; city; waste management; solid municipal waste; recycling.



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