Issue 4(48), 2017


Prerequisites and opportunities for repositioning of the Urals metallurgy within the Industry 4.0 PDF

O. A. Romanova, D. V. Sirotin

Romanova O. A., Sirotin D. V. / News of the Ural State Mining University 4 (2017) 100-107 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-100-107

The authors present the modern trends in the development of metallurgy, and classify the technological structure of metallurgical industry. The article contains specific features of the development of metallurgy in the conditions of industry formation. A special role in this process plays the pace of digitalization and robotization of the industry, the development of additive technologies, Internet of things. The authors substantiate the possibility of developing the metallurgy of the Middle Urals as a science-intensive, high-tech complex that meets the requirements of Industry 4.0. This possibility interrelates with its repositioning, one of the main tasks of which is the formation of new sales markets focused on high-tech consumer industries, as well as the preservation of traditional consumption sectors under conditions of increasing competition in the construction materials market. The authors underline the importance of international cooperation in the field of environmentally safe industrial development, with applying the best available technologies and innovative development in general. The authors propose a methodological approach for assessing the repositioning of the regional metallurgical complex. This approach is the consecutive implementation of the following stages: assessment of dynamics and the forecast of development of consumer steel products sector and its structure based on identified priority areas of technological development of metallurgy in the region; construction of a factor model describing the changes in parameters of the RMC repositioning process, and approximation of the characteristics of their nonlinear elements; building a mathematical model on the basis of neural network algorithms for assessing the process of repositioning the RMC, taking into account projected values of the RMK parameters in the process of repositioning and changing the structure of consumer markets for metal products; formation of a variable decision support system that provides scenario designing of possible model conditions. This approach makes it possible to form a well-founded strategy for the development of metallurgy in the region.

Keywords: industrial region; metallurgy; Industry 4.0; repositioning; the best available technologies; modeling; technological image; forecasting.



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