Issue 1(49), 2018

Extra pure quartz of the Ufaleysky quartziferous district (Southern Urals)

Vitaliy Nikolaevich Ogorodnikov, Yuriy Alekseevich Polenov, Aleksandr Nikolaevich Savichev

V. N. Ogorodnikov, Yu. A. Polenov, V. N. Savichev / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 23–32 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-23-32

УДК 553.07(470.50)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-23-32

The urgency of the problem is conditioned by the necessity for a considerable specification of the notion “extra pure quartz” which is used to mean a sort of mineral raw materials.

The purpose of the work: to study in detail the genesis of the ufaley and yegustin types, which are of great interest as a raw material for obtaining quartz concentrates of a high quality. This should be taken into account while developing the rational systems of working the quartz objects through and the application of the concentration schemes.

Methodology of the research: the detailed study of geochemical, geological and age-specific parameters of the quartz bodies, which are composed with the vein quartz of ufaley type, yegustin type and other types as well.

Results. The quartz-vein formations of the Ufaley quartz-bearing region are the result of long and complex processes of the Ufaley gneissamphibolite complex formation. Multistage formation of complexes causes the combination of different types of quartz veins, which belong to different age families, in the same zone. We have identified quartz-vein formation of the following genetic types: metamorphic differentiation, slyudyanogorsky, ufaley, yegustinsky, kyshtym, pugachevsky and shcherbakovsky. The quartz-vein formations, which are made up of fine-grained metasomatic vein quartz of the Ufaley type with the superimposed yegustinsky type are confined to the SlyudyanogorskayaTeplogorskaya suture zone. Their metasomatic genesis is associated with albitites, rare-earth carbonatites and nelsonite of the Precambrian age.

Summary. For the vein quartz of the ufaley and yegustinsky types, it is impossible to apply the term “granular quartz”. The quartz of the kyshtym type can be called such since the mechanism of the granules formation is initially metasomatic with the subsequent metamorphic and metasomatic transformation. High-pressure and high-temperature conditions of formation of quartz have led to a high degree of transparency. Low values of loss on ignition and the content of structural aluminum have also taken place.

Keywords: ufaley type; yegustinsky type; Ufaley complex; quartz-vein formation; genetic type of quartz veins.

The work was performed within the framework of Programs of fundamental research on the state assignment of FANO (Russia) on the subject 0393-2018-0031, scientific advisor – Doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences A. Yu. Kisin.



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