Issue 1(49), 2018

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)


Pavel Sergeevich Kozlov

Kozlov P. S. High-alumina nonbauxite rocks of the Trans-Angara segment of the Yenisei ridge: composition, trends and application potential // Известия УГГУ. 2018. Вып. 1(49). С. 39–45. DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-39-45

УДК 553.615(235.31)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-39-45

The aim of this work is to show trends and the prospects for the possible use of metamorphogenic high-alumina rocks of the studied region (andalusite, sillimanite, kyanite, chloritoid, staurolite high-alumina schists) together with nepheline syenites and bauxites for expansion of the raw material base of the Boguchansk Electrometallurgical Complex Lower Angara Region, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia).

Research methods. The mapping of metamorphic complexes and identification of promicing areas for metamorphogenic high-alumina rocks in the course of the 1:50 000 additional site exploration and 1:200 000 depth mapping using high-precision petrological and geochemical methods.

Research results. The prospects of using Precambrian metamorphogenic and igneous high-alumina rocks of the studied region for expansion of the raw material base of the Boguchansk Electrometallurgical Complex (BEC) were preliminary evaluated According to the planning production capacity (up to 588 000 tons of aluminum per year), the Boguchansk Electrometallurgical Smelter is estimated to be the third aluminum manufacturer in Russia. In the future, the deposits of ferruginous bauxites from the Chadobets uplift located near BEC are intended to be used as the main domestic raw materials for the production of aluminum. According to technological tests (G. G. Lepezin, V. D. Semin, A. S. Al’shakov et al.), andalusite and sillimanite concentrates together with nepheline syenites can be used effectively for the production of aluminum oxide and then aluminum using sintering technology and electrothermy. The location scheme of distribution of Precambrian sedimentary-metamorphic rocks of the Trans-Angara segment of the Yenisei Ridge with zones of metamorphogenic high-alumina minerals (andalusite, kyanite, sillimanite, chloritoid, and staurolite) and massifs of nepheline syenites is first presented. The Panimbinsk andalusite and Teya sillimanite deposits of the Central uplift confined to iron-alumina metapelites (aluminum oxide up to 30%) of the andalusite-sillimanite facies series are regarded as the top-priority objects for the metallurgical industry. Deposits were prospected with mining works and attributed to the monomineral type. They are characterized by large amounts of andalusite (up to 30%) and sillimanite (up to 40%), large distribution areas, and significant inferred resources traced to a depth of 50 m (70 and 100 million tons, respectively).

Conclusions. High-alumina nonbauxite rocks of the Trans-Angara segment of the Yenisei Ridge are expected to be in demand and used in the metallurgical industry due to the development of infrastructure of the region studied, the increase in production capacities, and the expansion of the BEC range of products. Explored deposits of nepheline syenites of the Middle Tatarka deposit (22–24% alumina in ores) amount to 3.9 billion tons in category C1 + C2 , and forecast resources are about 1.5 billion tons in P1 category. Stratified sequences of the garnet-staurolite and chloritoid high-alumina metamorphogenic rocks are relatively unexplored and need further research.

Keywords: Yenisei Ridge; Boguchansk Aluminum Smelter; Precambrian; high-alumina metamorphic minerals; alumina; electrothermy.



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