Issue 1(49), 2018

Environmentally friendly nature management as one of the main conditions for sustainable development

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Mikhail Sergeevich Kubarev, Margarita Nikolaevna Ignat'eva

M. S. Kubarev, M. N. Ignat'eva / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 94–100 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-94-100

УДК 338.2:502

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-94-100

The relevance of the study: In the modern theory of sustainable development, a number of issues of theoretical and methodological nature are understudied. In particular, the rationale for environmentally friendly nature management is one of such. This does not allow a sufficient degree of efficiency to carry out state regulation of natural resources.

The purpose of the study was to develop theoretical principles of eco-development as well as methodological foundations of the environmentally friendly nature management. Research methods: scientific generalization and systematic, logical and comparative analysis. The article discusses the stages of the nature development theory and its association with the concept of eco-development, sustainable development and protection of nature. They were formed in the mid-twentieth century as a practical activity and at the same time as a scientific concept. The article reveals the essence of the concept of natural resources’ rational use, the formation and development of this concept. It is firstly considered from the perspective of economical, careful integrated use of natural resources and, secondly, from the perspective of completeness of accounting of social and environmental consequences. This is done on the basis of the socio-economic approach. The specific features of the balance of nature use within the biosphere concept and the recognition of the need to preserve the mechanism of biotic regulation are revealed. This is interpreted in the light of ensuring the ecological and economic balance. This economic balance assumes a balanced ratio of territories of different degrees of disturbance and, accordingly, it presumes different types of their use. The concurrent studies, focused on ensuring the balance of nature within the territorial complexes are also being analyzed. This involves comparing natural productive capacity with the ecological intensity of technology. The aforementioned reflects the biosphere and anthropogenic parity in ecological and economic systems. Changes in the direction of research in the conditions of transition to sustainable development and the use of the risk theory provisions are revealed. The views of the authors regarding the relationship of environmental security, ecological sustainability and environmentally sound management are stated. The increasing role of the directions of nature use connected with the protection and restoration of the natural resources is proven. The author’s definition of eco-acceptable use of natural resources and the fundamental principles, which characterize them, are formed. When taken into account, they make it possible to increase the efficiency of state regulation of natural resources through the development of the most reasonable strategy. The mechanism for the implementation of the main sustainable development directions is also formed.

Keywords: environmentally friendly nature management; eco-development; sustainable development; environmental security; nature protection; recovery; balance; principles.



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