I. E. Zerdoumi V. Yu. Abramov |
Climate change and scarcity of water resources in Algeria
(In English)
7 |
D. D. Korovin |
Phosphate mineralization in leucogranites of the Peshcherninsky stock (Reftinsky massif, Middle Urals) (In English)
13 |
V. A. Dushin D. I. Prokopchuk S. G. Sustavov A. K. Trutnev E. A. Zhuklin
Sylvensky fluidolite complex of the Yuryuzano-Sylven depression (Sverdlovsk region) |
22 |
N. A. Belyakov I. A. Emel’yanov |
Technique for assessing the stress state of a rock mass by a multicomponent displacement sensor using the overcoring method
31 |
N. G. Valiev Z. D. Afandieva T. R. Osmanly |
The use of fine fractions of waste from stone quarries in Azerbaijan as sand in the preparation of concrete
39 |
N. I. Afanas’eva S. O. Zorina K. I. Nikashin N. Khamada
Paleogene sand injectites of the Uljanovsk-Syzran Volga region (eastern Russian platform) |
46 |
D. A. Nechaev |
Application of lineament-geodynamic analysis for assessment of karst hazard on the example of the Chayanda–ESPO oil pipeline route |
57 |
P. A. Demenkov D. A. Kotikov E. L. Romanova |
Analysis of the impact of rating methods for assessing the rock mass on its physical and mechanical characteristics and on the calculation of the support of a vertical shaft
67 |
Yu. O. Rusakova A. G. Plavnik M. V. Vashurina A. L. Khramtsova
Analysis of the main factors determining the value of the specific flow rate of a water well
78 |
A. V. Sakhnov O. Z. Gabaraev
Geomechanical aspects of the choice of underground mining
88 |
A. A. Seleznev T. G. Okuneva I. V. Yarmoshenko G. P. Malinovskiy D. V. Kiseleva
Distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in the catchment catenary complex and bottom sediments of the water body in an urban environment
96 |
V. A. Davydov |
Karst detection by geophysical methods using microseismic sounding
108 |
A. V. Khokhryakov G. A. Studenok S. G. Frolov |
Integrated approach to solving the mining-environmental issues based on the analysis of internal and external factors
114 |
A. S. Sokolov A. V. Dushin V. V. Balashenko O. V. Genzel
Methodological tools for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises of the mining complex (In English) |
122 |
I. G. Burtseva E. N. Timushev |
Impact of mining enterprises on tax revenues of the budget of the Republic of Komi
131 |
D. V. Khosoev |
Technical and economic comparison of options for the development of complex structural formations of the Elga field
139 |
A. G. Shorin Yu. V. Erokhin S. V. Kropantsev
Aleksandr Vasil’evich Kalugin (1857–1933) and former kaluginite (now jahnsite-(CaMnMg))
148 |
Yu. A. Polenov |
Scientific achievements of USMU employees in the field of searches and exploration of deposits of piezo-optical and vein quartz
157 |