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Heavy metals in surface mud sediment in Ekaterinburg (Russia)

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Andrian Anatol’evich Seleznev

A. A. Seleznev / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 46–54 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-46-54

УДК 550.42/502.175

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-46-54

Problem Statement. Now the most part of the world’s population lives in cities, thus, it is relevant the search for universal, low-cost and express methods for environmental geochemical investigations of an urban environment.

The objective of the study is the assessment of content and properties of surface mud sediment at the urban territory (on the example of Ekaterinburg, Russia).

Methods of the study. The 30 samples of surface mud sediment, soils and ground were collected in the residential area of the city. Particle size composition, measurements of heavy metals content, correlation analysis was conducted for the samples.

Results. Surface mud sediment at the residential territories can be classified as surface facie of the recent anthropogenic sediment. Samples of the environmental compartments were collected at the territories of six blocks of houses of various years of construction, located in various parts of the city and at the various geological units. Five samples were collected in each block: 3 samples within the block and 2 samples – outside. The content of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Mn was measured in particle size fractions of the samples. Particle size composition of the surface mud sediment in Ekaterinburg is similar to the particle size composition of the grounds formed on the sediments of Holocene age in Urals region. The positive statistically significant correlation was found between the couples of metals: Zn and Pb, Zn and Cu, Co and Ni. The distribution of concentrations of Pb, Zn and Cu over particle size fractions of surface mud sediment is heterogeneous. Pollution of the ground and soil in urban areas is due to the transition of heavy metals with particles of dust and fine sand. Typical geochemical association of metals for particle size fraction of surface mud sediment 0.002–0.01 mm – Mn-Zn-Ni-Cu-Pb-Co, that is similar to the association for sediments of surface puddles in local zones of relief, soils and bottom sediments at the city territory. The content of Pb, Zn, and Cu in particle size fraction <0.1 mm are higher than the permissible level for soils and soil background level in the city. The Ni concentrations in the mud sediment are higher than permissible concentrations for soil. The Co content in the mud sediment is higher than the soils content and the background for Ekaterinburg. Concentrations of heavy metals, with the exception of Mn, are higher than Clarke value for soil.

Keywords: contemporary anthropogenic sediments; surface mud sediment; particle size composition; heavy metals.

The study was performed with the financial support of the RFBR within the framework of a scientific project No. 16-35-60044 Mol_a_dk and 16-35-00129 mol_a.



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