Current issue

Theoretical and experimental aspects of plastic deformation and destruction of rocks

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Andrey Viktorovich Zhabko

A. V. Zhabko / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 68–79 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-68-79


УДК 539.(4+4.011+42)+622.(011.4+02+023.23) DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-68-79


The urgency of the problem. The main process in mining is the process of destruction of rocks, so the establishment of laws and criteria for plastic deformation and destruction of rocks is the most important and fundamental object. 

Purpose of the work. The work is devoted to the establishment of laws of plastic deformation of rocks (solids).

Methods of research. Analytical and experimental research methods are widely used in this work.

Results. On the basis of the earlier studies, which were carried out by the author, the functions of the yield surface and the plastic potential are proposed. The limiting surface for these functions is the surface of the ultimate strength of solids (rocks), described by the Coulomb criterion. The author indicated the fundamental similarity between the proposed criterion of plastic deformation and rock strength with the Mora criterion and with the dry friction law of Amonton. The possibility of applying the proposed criterion as passport dependence is demonstrated. The characteristics of rock strength for shear adhesion and the angle of internal friction act as the parameters of this dependence. The paper provides comparison of the proposed theoretical criterion of plasticity and strength to the experimental data under the conditions of the three-dimensional stress state. The detailed analysis of this comparison between theoretical and experimental data is given, the corresponding conclusions are drawn. An analytical dependence was derived on the basis of the stability criterion obtained earlier by the author. It determines the value of the fundamental parameter of the hierarchy during shear and discontinuous destruction of mountain ranges. The relationship of this parameter hierarchy with the so-called number of Phidias, which determines the “Golden ratio”, is indicated. The dependence for calculation of a large-scale factor of the phenomenon of zonal disintegration of rocks around mine workings is offered. The physical interpretation of the proposed dependences to determine the fundamental parameter of the hierarchy of mountain ranges is given. The scale factor of the phenomenon of zonal disintegration of rocks around the workings in the strongly stressed mountain ranges is represented as well. The relation between these parameters and constants characterizing the orbital distances of the solar system planets is indicated.

Summary. This paper presents an experimental confirmation of the previously proposed theory of plastic deformation and fracture of rocks; some theoretical aspects are given in the continuation of the mentioned theory.

Keywords: function of plastic potential; criterion of rock strength; criterion of Coulomb; criterion of plasticity; main stresses; tensile strength; hardening; parameter of hardening; plastic deformation; dilatancy; fundamental parameter of hierarchy; scale factor of zonal disintegration of rocks; passport dependence.



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