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Socio-economic valuation of the staff activities at a mining enterprise: content and methods

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Tat'yana Aleksandrovna Korkina, Ol'ga Vladimirovna Konakova, Kseniya Sergeevna Kuksenko, Oksana Anatol'evna Lapaeva , Natal'ya Viktorovna Yablonskikh

T. A. Korkina et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 123–128 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-123-128

УДК 331.1:658.53622.012

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-123-128

The relevance of the study. Ensuring the competitiveness of mining enterprises in modern conditions requires search and decision-making. The decisions should provide better results than those of the business rivals.

The purpose of the study is to improve the rate setting as one of the means to increase the viability of the enterprise. Mining enterprises are considered by the authors as socio-economic systems. Their purpose is to achieve the goals and meet the needs of each entity of the enterprise. One of the important features of a mining enterprise as a socio-economic system is a significant impact of the human factor on the production process. One of the main characteristics of the state of any socio-economic system and viability depends on what the impact of the human factor is aimed at. A norm which provides for the workers’ socio-economic needs and interests is a means, which ensures the direction of their work. In this regard, in order to improve the viability of the mining enterprise, it is proposed to include socio-economic rationing in the management activities of personnel. The authors’ conceptual approach to socio-economic rationing is based on ensuring the association of social and economic needs, goals, actions and means. This is done to achieve those goals, as well as the results of the activities of the enterprise entities. The introduction of socio-economic rationing of personnel into the practice of enterprises requires the development of a set of methods. Their use will allow solving problems of different scale and level of increasing the viability of the enterprise. These problems include the functional-structural transformation, the formation of a high labor culture, and the organization of innovative development of the enterprise. Improving the quality of the production process and the elimination of “narrow links” through organizational changes are also included into the list of these problems. This article presents a structural scheme of methods of socio-economic rationing of personnel. In its development the authors proceeded from the fact that they must comprehensively ensure the implementation of the normalization stages.

The results and their application. The introduction of the socio-economic rate setting for the personnel activities in the operation process of the open-pit mine called Borodinsky was necessary. Other mining enterprises ensured the growth of intangible assets, which were necessary to improve their viability. The socio-economic rate setting proposed by the authors can be considered as an effective tool of human factor management. This contributes to improving the competitiveness of enterprises in the context of the growing dynamics of the socio-economic environment and increasing business competition.

Keywords: mining enterprise; socio-economic system; viability; personnel; activity; methods; socio-economic rate setting.



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