Вып. 1(41), 2016

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

Features of rationing of work in recruiting










I. A. Kul'kova, A. P. Bezrukikh













The subject of this article is a study of the process of work rationing for employees involved in the selection of personnel in recruiting companies. This article contains the study of features of work rationing in recruiting. The purpose of this article is an analysis of the features of four main elements of the process of work rationing for separate category of employees – recruiters. In the course of the author’s study were used scientific methods of study, such as analysis of normative, scientific, educational and practical literature, abstraction, synthesis, classifying; such empirical methods as observation and comparison were used. The main results are a presentation of the author’s classification of working time of recruiters, an analysis of the possibility of applying the methods of labor processes studying. Authors describe the methods, which, according to authors, are suitable for the study of labor of recruiters. Was studied regulatory and scientific base, available in modern Russia for the calculation of labor standards in recruiting. Authors prove a conclusion about the impossibility of using analytical and computational methods for calculating the standards of the modern recruiting in Russia. Authors adapted of classical approach of applying analytical research method in labor norming to the activities of recruiters. The study reveals specific content of the system of labor standards in recruiting. These results can be used in practical activity of recruiting companies for labor organization and rationing of core staff, in the educational process of colleges and universities during the preparation of bachelors and masters in human resource management, and may be an element of further development of the scientific field of Labor Economics. The results presented in the article are the enrichment of the- oretical and methodological base of work rationing of a separate category of employees – recruiters.








Keywords: regulation of labor; norms of working time; photo of working time; methods of establishing norms; recruiting.





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