
 УДК 551.24: 553.982 https://doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2019-1-48-59 

D. K. Azhgaliev et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2019. Issue 1(53), pp. 48-59


Relevance. An estimation of the oil and gas potential of the promising targets along with a clarification of the nature and characteristics of their internal structure necessitates the improvement of new trends in the quality of seismic survey results. Methods of seismic exploration are the main information base in the preparation and justification of promising objects, determining the optimal location of the project deep wells. In this regard, the use of innovative technologies in the processing and interpretation of seismic data (2D and 3D – CDP method) at the modern stage of the study is of great importance.
Purpose and objectives. It is necessary to estimate some possibilities for the effective application of innovative technologies using typical areas within the Caspian (eastern flank zone) and Shu-Sarysusky (Moiynkumskaya depression) basin as examples to highlight promising objects in the Paleozoic stratum. The task is to justify the use of new technologies. There are three main areas for this: optimization of parameters of field work at the stage of raw information collection, development and introduction of new software systems, optimization of interpretation technologies and constructing models.
Results of application. These methods are focused on objects that are accompanied by increased complexity and conditions of occurrence. Their application is considered in more detail at the facilities at the eastern side of the Pre-Caspian basin. With this in mind, the features of regional and areal tracking of the main objects oriented to carbonate strata KT-II and KT-I are given. The latest results and drilling data concerning the Zhanazhol-Tortkolskaya uplift zones, Borzher-Akzharskaya bench, Ostansuksky downfold (Akzhar Vostochny, Zhanazhol, Urikhtau, Tuzkum, Alibekmola) are presented. Separately, the capabilities of seismic technologies in combination with GIS data are shown in order to efficiently identify potential objects for testing. The accumulated experience of seismic surveys and the costs incurred are clarified; it contributes to more effective approaches in their application, including high-resolution seismic exploration, multi-azimuth VSP survey, multifocusing, and diffraction multifocusing.
Conclusions. New promising objects (providing the availability of innovative technologies for their detailed study ) are projected in relatively remote areas of the eastern side zone (Shubarkuduk-Koskolskaya and Borzher-Akzharskaya uplift zones). The remaining significant and still unrealized potential of the QD-II and CT-I strata is substantiated. The possibilities of expanding the range of areas of oil prospecting work for the study of promising objects and uplifts (Upper Devonian – Lower Carbon, Middle – Upper Carbon, Lower Permian) are considered.

Keywords: Pre-Caspian basin, eastern side, carbonate members KT-II and KT-I, Paleozoic complex, 2D / 3D seismic surveys, data processing and interpretation, subsalt sediments, oil and gas prospects, local uplifts, carbonate rocks, sedimentation, hydrocarbons, ways of geological prospecting work.



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