
The use of tailings while preparing hardening filling mixtures

V. I. Golik, Yu. V. Dmitrak, Chzhun Chan, S. A. Maslennikov


DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-2-95-101

V. I. Golik et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University 2 (2018) 95-101


The relevance of the work is conditioned by the need to increase the completeness of the use of metal mineral raw materials extracted from the depths. The complexity of its use by increasing the scope of new environmental and resource-saving technologies is also important. Unfortunately, the resource-saving technologies use little-studied reserves of production.
The purpose of the work is to substantiate the technological possibility and expediency of the use of waste from processing and metallurgical industries. This is done for the manufacture of hardening mixtures with an increase in their activity in the activators of the “disintegrator” type simultaneously with the extraction of residual metals.
Research methodology: analysis of theory and best practices, industrial and laboratory experiment, and interpretation of research results. 
Results. Natural and resource-saving trends are implemented in the development of the mining industries. This happens under the conditions when many mining enterprises of Russia may switch to underground mining of ore deposits. There is a tendency of using chamber versions of technology with filling technological voids with hardening mixtures. The problem of providing mining operations with raw materials for the manufacture of hardening mixtures was formulated. The production of raw materials is open. It is environmentally incorrect in connection with the destruction of the earth’s surface. The solution to the problem of providing raw materials for preparing hardening mixtures in the form of enrichment tails and metallurgy is associated with the need to extract rare and noble metals from them. The results of an industrial experiment using mechanochemical activation of metal-containing substandard raw materials, are described. This activation allows to extract metals and increases the activity of the tailings to the state
when they exhibit binding properties. The directions of activators improvement to achieve the goals of mechanochemical technology. 
Conclusion. The technology proposed is a real opportunity to solve the problem of providing raw materials and ease the load on the environment. Mining and geological conditions and trends in nature conservation make the preferred technology options with filling man-made voids with hardening mixtures. A promising line of utilizing metal-containing substandard raw materials. This not only allows to extract metals, but also to increase the activity of tails, is the mechanochemical activation of leaching processes in the disintegrator.

Keywords: metal; minerals; waste recycling; concrete mix; disintegrator; mechanochemical activation; binding properties.



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