
Regularities of the chemical composition of technogenic transformation which groundwater undergoes in the areas of the potash deposits development

P. A. Belkin, V. N. Kataev


DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-2-55-64

P. A. Belkin, V. N. Kataev / News of the Ural State Mining University 2 (2018) 55-64

The urgency of the work. Potash salts are an important and needed resource. Its development is steadily increasing in view of the sufficient level of security and the growing need for the world economy. Production and processing of potassic salts lead to changes in the chemical composition of various components of the natural environment in the areas of deposits. In particular, these changes are typical for the aquatic component of ecosystems, which include groundwater zones of active water exchange.
The purpose of the work is to determine a set of chemical tracer elements of the potash industry impact on the composition of the underground waters in the active water exchange zone. The characteristic of the sources of these elements in the aquatic environment is also the purpose of the present study.
Research methodology. This paper summarizes data on the largest potash deposits in the world. The peculiarities of their genesis, methods of mining of ore deposits and their enrichment are described here. The work gives characteristics of the chemical composition of ores potash deposits, and waste potash production. It also gives the results of hydrochemical studies of groundwater in different regions of the extraction of potassium. 
Results. The analysis showed that the largest potash deposits in the world were characterized by a predominance of chloride salts. The main mineral component of the developed potash deposits in most cases is sylvin, carnallite and a group of sulphate minerals play a subordinate role. The predominant number of industrially developed potash ores is deposits of solid minerals of salts, which are produced by the mine method. Enrichment technologies are, in fact, represented by the two main methods: flotation method and chemical method.
Summary. As a result of research, the complex of the chemical elements defining the direction of transformation of chemical composition of underground waters was allocated. This complex is divided into leading (Cl, Na, K) and secondary (S, Ca, Mg) macro components of salts subject to their role in the formation of potash ore composition, the ability to water migration and the danger to humans. The micro components of salts (halogen, alkaline and alkaline earth metals), as well as accessory micro components of salts (heavy metals, semi-metals and non-metals) are among these components.

Keywords: groundwater; chemical composition; deposits of potassium salts; technogenesis; industrial waste; geochemical indicators.


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