Issue 1(41), 2016

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

UDC 622.274

Increase of system effectiveness of pipeline transport of cast stowage mixes at their mechanical activation, in the conditions of underground mining of mineral deposits

A. Yu. Stovmanenko, A. N. Anushenkov

In the article the authors consider questions of improvement of systems of pipeline transportation of the cast hardening stowage mixes, for a laying of the fulfilled excavations in the conditions of mining. The authors also offer a new direction of development of technical means of the stowage mixes that are intended for ensuring safe and uninterrupted delivery with the lowered water content connected with use of the special hydrodynamic activators installed on the stowage pipeline. Using activators for the purpose of creation of conditions for maintenance of standard rheological properties of fluidity the thixotropic of stowage mixes at their pipeline transportation provides an increase of durability and speed of curing of the stowage massif, and, as a result, an increase of intensity and safety of carrying out of underground mining operations.

The article describes researches, connected with establishment of influence of constructive characteristics and operating modes of the created hydrodynamic activators on the main rheological characteristics of the cast hardening stowage mixes possessing viscoplastic thixotropic properties that significantly complicate their transportation by usual delivery systems. This study presents the experimental unit that allows establishing dependences of influence of a design of the activator and the mode of processing of mix on the main rheological properties of cast stowage mixes by their mechanical activation and the subsequent comparative analysis of change of these rheological properties. As the activating devices, authors offer and describe the original patented designs of activators providing high efficiency of restoration of rheological properties of stowage mixes at their transportation on the underground stowage pipeline.

Effective action of mechanical activation of stowage mixes, which is confirmed by results of researches, allows to draw a conclusion on prospects of the offered direction of improvement of system of pipeline transport of stowage mixes in the conditions of mining.

Keywords: stowage mixes, stowage works, pipeline transport.



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