Issue 1(45), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-1-76-83

Assessment of completeness of institutional provision of ecological safety of nature management for the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan pdf

I. G. Polyanskaya, M. N. Ignat'eva, V. V. Yurak

Focus of this study is on assessing the levels of institutional provision of ecological security of natural management of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, which are the key countries of the "Arctic regions–Central Asia" transport corridor, in order to identify problems in this field and substantiate ways to improve domesticinstitutions of nature management. The article assesses scrutiny of the problem of determining the institutional provision of ecological safety of natural management, substantiates the urgency of research of this problem, defines and clarifies the conceptual apparatus of the study. One can find improved author's methodical approach to assessing completeness of institutional provision of ecological safety of natural management, approved in conditions of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Authors outline the basic directions of institutional provision of ecological safety and levels of its regulation. Among the directions are the legislative and normative-legal, integration and design, organizational, financial and economic. Number of management levels is set at four: international, federal, interstate and regional. The assessment proved that the average levels of institutional provision of ecological safety of natural management in Russia and Kazakhstan are close enough; it indicates a certain degree of consistency and continuity of the development of institutional support of the countries in the field of ecological safety of process of natural management. The government can the results of this study to improve the effectiveness of ecological safety management in the sphere of nature management, what, ultimately, will contribute to ensuring the human rights in regard to favorable environment and reduce the risk of exacerbation of ecological crisis.

Keywords: ecological safety; institutional provision; theory of fuzzy sets; methodology; assessment; nature management.



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