Issue 2(46), 2017

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-2-57-62                                                                                     Publication Date 11.07.2017

Experience of underground leaching of metals from balance reserves of ores pdf

V. I. Golik, V. I. Komashchenko, Yu. I. Razorenov, N. G. Valiev

Technologies for leaching metals from ores have a number of advantages over traditional technologies, the main ones of which are the possibility of sharp increase in the raw material base, minimization of damage to the environment and increase in the completeness of subsoil resources. The article contains analysis of the state of this problem according to the literature data, the results of experiments that the authors helped to conduct and the developed forecast for the development of the established concept. The authors formulated the global problem of wasteless and complex use of subsoil mineral resources. The authors indicate a promising direction of metal recovery by leaching them with reagents with a change of the phase state. The article presents systematized new data on the industrial and experimental development of technology options with leaching on uranium mines in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, as well as in the polymetallic mines of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. The authors propose a suitability typification of technologies for leaching purposes. The fields of application of these results are deposits of non-ferrous, rare and noble relatively easily opened metals, and deposits of metal containing tailings of ore enrichment.

Keywords: leaching; metal; ore; technology; resources; subsoil; experiment; concept; tailings of enrichment; environment.



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