Issue 2(46), 2017

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-2-88-91                                                                                     Publication Date 11.07.2017

Saving water resources in the development of placer deposits pdf

V. V. Balashenko

The author considers the issues of resources saving and protection during mining operations in the northern territories. The article contains an analysis of the state of the natural water of the placers. By itself, the water of the surface reservoirs of the Urals North contains little oxygen, and has a low self-cleaning capacity. Exploration and mining operations with traditional technologies lead to the unacceptable pollution of watercourses, the reduction of fish resources, the replacement of valuable varieties of fish with low-value ones. Damage to fish resources, in spite of numerous methods, it is impossible to calculate. Preventive fish protection measures are not effective. The author analyzes studies on the effect of gold mining on river ecosystems of the eastern and western slopes of the Urals. In the developed mathematical simulation model, a significant fraction of parameters had approximate values, so the results obtained are only indicative. There was no continuation of this work. Common belief is that preventing negative changes is possible by regulating the incoming pollutants, but the author proves that for vulnerable northern territories one needs the approaches that eliminate pollution using technologies and production processes that prevent them. The article shows an example of the replacement of traditional technology of the bulldozer-hydraulic method with the excavating method with the corresponding basic and auxiliary equipment that does not require large water flows. According to calculations, the total water discharge after excluding the hydraulic monitors and hydroelevator decreased by 8.3 times. One can see a consecutive calculation of the annual economic damage from the implementation of the measure and the environmental effect.

Keywords: economic damage to fish resources; development technologies; economic effect.



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