Issue 3(47), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-17-23

On the finding of brachiopod in metamorphic garnet-bearing rocks on the Middle Urals pdf

K. S. Ivanov, G. N. Borozdina, E. V. Burlakov, Yu. V. Erokhin, D. A. Kleimenov, L. I. Mizens, V. N. Smirnov

The authors provide paleontological and mineralogical description of the finding of the brachiopod of Atrypinae gen. et sp. indet. of the Silurian (Llandovery) – Late Devonian (Frasnian) age in a well-formed garnet-almandine crystal. Field geologist D. L. Suslov was the one who found the brachiopod in high-aluminous gneisses in Verkholovsky garnet mine, which is a part of the Evgenie-Maximilianovsky (Palkinsky) mineral mines located in the southeastern part of the Verkhisetsky granite batholite, on the territory of the historical-landscape park "Istoki Iseti". The Verkholovsky garnet mine is located on the southern slope of Pup Mountain, about 6 km west of Ekaterinburg city, on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals. The stock of the Ural Geological Museum stores the sample containing the brachiopod imprint, its measures are 3 × 2.2 × 1.6 cm and it looks like a parallel aggregate of several garnet-almandine crystals. Main habitus forms of the garnet individuals are rhombododecahedron d{110} and  tetragontrioctahedron n{211}, the latter forming thin facets of the rhombododecahedron edges. The shell imprint is not in the garnet crystals, but in the base of the sample, among the fine-grained light-brown mass, whose thickness is not more than 2–3 mm. The fine-grained mass previously probably was a carbonate matrix of the brachiopod, and during the growth of the garnet at the border of two heterogeneous media (carbonate and silicate), a local metasomatic process of substituting the garnet aggregate for the primary (carbonate) substance manifested. The article also contains a brief geological sketch of the place of the finding and an overview of information about other similar findings. Chemical U-Th-Pb-dating allowed to determine the age of monazite inclusions in garnet (344 million years).

Keywords: brachiopod; metamorphic rocks; garnet; granites.



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