Issue 3(47), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-48-52

Application of exhausted excavations for nitrogen compounds removal from the quarry waters pdf

A. V. Khokhryakov, A. M. Ol'khovskiy, G. A. Studenok

Typical pollutants, whose content in drainage waters of mining enterprises exceeds the maximum permissible concentrations, are nitrogen compounds - ammonium, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen. Their presence in drainage waters is a consequence of the use of explosives based on ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) for preparing the rock mass for excavation. The article presents the results of studies performed in quarries of a large mining enterprise, which justify the possibility of preliminary natural treatment of drainage waters of mining enterprises from nitrogen compounds in exhausted open-cast excavation. Natural purification occurs due to two processes - the first is a natural nitrification of the ammonium ion NH4+ and the nitrite ion NO2- to the nitrate ion NO3- (the nitrate ion represents the least environmental hazard of these nitrogen compounds) with prolonged storage of drainage water in exhausted open-cast excavation in the presence of atmospheric oxygen. The second is a dilution of drainage waters in open-cast excavation by natural underground waters and atmospheric precipitation entering it in a natural way. The results of the studies given in the article became the foundation for the development of the project for the enterprise purification system for drainage water, which successfully passed state expertise and is currently being implemented. The use of preliminary natural treatment of drainage water from nitrogen compounds in exhausted open-cast excavation significantly reduced the cost of the project and subsequent post-treatment at specialized biological treatment facilities, which is especially important in the current economic situation.

Keywords: pollution with nitrogen compounds; natural biological treatment; drainage water.



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