Issue 3(47), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-65-68

Economic efficiency of the dehydration device for ferromagnetic pulps based on the action of a traveling magnetic field pdf

A. V. Ugol'nikov, I. L. Shchekleina, A. E. Gorelova

The objective of any enterprise is a reduction of production costs, encouraging investments for implementation of new advanced technologies for extraction, processing and transportation of raw materials, reproduction of an effective mineral and raw materials base. At concentrating plants, the final process of minerals processing is the dehydration of pulps. This process has large economic costs due to the expenses on electricity and filter cloth of vacuum filters. The most promising is the replacement of vacuum filters by such devices that dehydrate the pulp using a running magnetic field effect. Using such a device will significantly improve the quality of iron ore concentrate, reduce the loss of useful component and the cost of electrical energy, exclude the costs of filter cloth and thereby reduce the production cost. The principle of operation of such dehydration devices is that the magnetic particles, getting into the range of running magnetic field, begin to move against the direction of this field. In this paper, the authors propose to replace the vacuum filter with a dehydration device for ferromagnetic pulps based on the action of running magnetic field. This device allows reducing capital costs, repair costs and consumables costs. The calculation shows that the replacement of existing equipment with a new one leads to an annual economic effect in operating costs. Based on purely economic considerations, replacing to the dehydration device is a reliable investment.

Keywords: dehydration; vacuum filter; dehydration device; economic efficiency; capital costs; repair costs; minerals processing.



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