DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-1-50-54
Development of effective observation methods of geomechanical processes in internal dumps and interpretation of their results pdf
B. P. Golubko, A. V. Gal'yanov, A. E. Bannikov
The paper presents the developed method of instrumental observations over deformations of dump and the new mathematically founded method of field measurements.
A basis of the presented method is linearly resection and indirect trigonometric leveling. This decreases twice or thrice time of conducting field meas-urements in comparison with traditional methods of geometrical leveling, and time of cameral data processing in electronic form. It allows one to capture full reference point position in space, and, given the large number of observed points, allows a deeper analysis of geodynamic processes of the dump. Using the observation station of areal type, shortened effective observation intervals and the measurement technique provided an opportunity to build three-dimensional models of the displacement velocity. It allowed determining locations of maximum shear rates in the area of mining and transport equipment location. As the main criterion for safety of mining operations authors accepted marginal inclination values of excavator working area, the longitudinal and transverse inclination of railway track. According to the calculated displacement velocity, model authors calculated locations of the manifestations of critical deformations of dump massif, and the time after which the platform will get a critical slope. The presented innovations in the observations of internal dump lay the foundation of a new monitoring concept of these dangerous technogenic objects, which will allow efficiently eliminating the effect of the negative features of geomechanical monitoring of internal dumps.
Keywords: observation station of areal type; reverse linear resection; indirect trigonometric leveling; areal graph of displacement velocities; shear velocity.
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