
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2017-4-18-22

On the silver mineralization of Central Tajikistan PDF

F. A. Fayziev, A. R. Fayziev, M. Kayumarsi

The paper characterizes the silver-tin ore-bearing type of mineralization in Central Tajikistan. A distinctive feature of this type of deposits is the presence of silver minerals along with tin minerals in ore bodies. In addition, there is scheelite in the ores. Distribution of sulfides, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, chalcopyrite and pyrite is wider than of galena and sphalerite. In the ores there also are bismuth minerals - bismuthine and native bismuth, as well as native gold. The main minerals of silver are pyrargyrite, andorite, freibergite, polybasite and native silver. Silver is also associated with faded ores, galena and other minerals. From the regularities of the silver-tin ore-formation type, we should also note an increase in the concentration of silver in the ore bodies from the lower horizons of the deposits to the upper horizons. All deposits of this type of region are a result of several stages of hypogenous mineral formation; however, industrial mineralization is associated only with two stages: quartz-cassiterite-sulfide and silver-sulfosol-sulphide. Of the total number of mineral associations developed in the deposits, two are productive for silver: pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite and silver-sulfosol-sulphide parageneses. Another characteristic feature of this type is the high temperature of mineral formation. Mineralization in them proceeded in two stages: early skarn and late pneumatolytic-hydrothermal. In the late stage, the processes of mineral formation occurred over a wide temperature range of 550–150 °C and pressures from 1000 to 150 atm. The mineral-forming solutions had a chloride-bicarbonate-sulphate character and a weak concentration (5–24 wt. %). From the cations, in order of increasing concentration, we established potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium.

Keywords: silver; tin; ore formation type; deposit; ore field; geological structure; folded structure; stage.



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