
 УДК 625.32 https://doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2019-1-136-142 

I. P. Timofeev, M. S. Stolyarova / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2019. Issue 1(53), pp. 136-142

Relevance of the work is due to the possibility of creating a friction drive of rotating parts of units for ore mining and dressing plant. These are pulp thickeners based on a traction device with adjustable pressure of driving wheels against a rail ensuring linear dependence of the developed propulsive effort on external resistance. This eliminates the need for additional dead-weight, reduces specific quantity of metal and energy intensity of a drive.
Purpose of the work. Substantiation of parameters of the friction drive based on a lever-type draw gear with adjustable resistance as function of pressure from the driving wheels that ensures reliable wheel-rail adhesion in a mode of elastic sliding; this eliminates tilt of the device on a ring-type rail, longitudinal slide and undercarriage wear.
Research methodology. A systematic approach has been used, which includes analytical and computational methods using mathematical modeling, structural and kinetostatic analysis, as well as some conventional concepts of classical mechanics and mechanism and machine theory.
Results and their application. The main dependences of parameters of the traction device are determined taking into account peculiarities of work on the ring-type rail and ensuring reliable wheel-rail adhesion in a mode of elastic sliding. The friction drive based on the traction device that is capable of developing a propulsive effort independent of adhesion weight of the traction unit can be used as a drive for pulp thickeners with a peripheral drive and as a drive for rotating parts of large units such as cement kilns, mills, cylinder dryers and mixers.
Conclusions. The features of the operation of the friction drive for the ore mining and dressing plant using the ring-type rail are considered; methods for eliminating possible tilts of the device causing undercarriage wear are given; correcting factors for the ratio of driving wheel diameters and geometric parameters of the mechanism depending on the radii of the rail working surfaces are proposed.

Keywords: State regulation, tools, EIA, changes, stages, improvement.




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