Issue 3(47), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-53-56

Assessment of the soil-ecological status of technogenic landscapes of the Kuznetsk basin (Kuzbass) depending on the technology of reclamation of disturbed lands pdf

A. M. Shipilova, I. S. Semina

The authors describe the specifics of soil formation in technogenic landscapes of Kuzbass. The conducted studies reveal the following regularity: soil-ecological state of recultivated territories depends on the technology of dump formation. The studied object is the Sagarlyksky dump with an area of more than 300 hectares located on the territory of the Bachatsky coal deposit. To conduct the research authors selected four key areas, differing in the methods of dumps surface forming and covered by soil vegetation that formed during 20 years. The basis of soil cover in technogenic landscapes of Kuzbass consists of embryosemes of four types: initial, organ-accumulative, caespitose and humus-accumulative. For the purpose of assessment of soil-ecological state of the territory of technogenic landscapes, the authors assume that if after 20 years humus-accumulative embryosemes have formed on the surface of the dumps, then the soil-ecological state of such a landscape is very good. The article presents the results of soil-cartographic studies of three areas on the dump territory. Soil-ecological mapping made it possible to identify areas with different quality of soil-formation conditions. Areas with initial are unsatisfactory, areas with organ-accumulative embryosemes are satisfactory, and ones with caespitose and humus-accumulative embryosemes are good. The obtained data allows us to draw conclusions about the dependence of the soil-ecological state of technogenic landscapes on the technology of dump formation and rational use of lithogenic recultivation resources. The formation of tree vegetation on the technogenic landscapes of the forest-steppe zone of the Kuzbass does not contribute to the development of soil formation processes in disturbed areas, and only the purposeful formation of a favorable root layer will create necessary ecological conditions for the restoration of disturbed ecosystems.

Keywords: technogenic landscapes; recultivation technologies; young soils; soil-ecological mapping.



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