A. P. Knyazev et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2021. Issue 1(61), pp. 109-117
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Relevance of the research. Construction sands are the largest functional group of sands widely used in construction industry. This natural material is one of the most demanded for the production of manufactured products in the construction industry of the region.
Purpose of the researchis to study the engineering-geological conditions of construction sands deposit for the production of the manufactured products of OAO Sebryakovsky plant of asbestos-cement products, as well as for construction organizations of the region.
Research methods. Based on the analysis of extensive collection materials using laboratory and statistical methods, as well as the results of additional research, the physical-geographical, engineering-geological and technogenic conditions of the study area were examined.
Results and their application. The useful stratum of the deposit is composed of Upper Quaternary alluvial sands, the average thickness of which is 8.6 m, penetrated thickness is up to 12.3 m. Overburden within the study area is represented by the soil-vegetation horizon – up to 0.2 m. The extracted raw materials are used in the production of mortars, which is confirmed by tests of a cement-sand grout, and as a filler in fine-grained concrete. The reserves of the deposit are calculated in categories A + B + C1 in the amount of 2313.2 thousand m3. The development of the deposit is recommended by the open method. Explored and recoverable reserves will ensure the operation of the enterprise with an annual demand of 100 thousand m3 per year for a period up to 2030.
Conclusions. Based on the results of the studies, it should be noted that the Sidorsky deposit of construction sands is assessed as profitable and competitive in relation to the exploited deposits of sand in the Volgograd region.
Keywords: water-bearing formation, geological structure, hydrogeological conditions, mining conditions, physical and mechanical properties of soils.
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The article was received on December 25, 2020