V. S. Chervyakovskiy et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University. 2021. Issue 1(61), pp. 55-64
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Relevance of the work. The Iset river basin contains the most extensive outcrops of volcanogenic formations of the
Beklenishchevsky complex of the East Ural megazone, the age of which is determined as Early Carboniferous by
the ratio of volcanic rocks with faunistically characterized sedimentary deposits. Volcanics here compose flows of
andesite-basaltic and andesitic lavas and lava breccias. There are no geochronological dates specifying the age of the
rocks, which makes it difficult to assess their role in the formation of the megazone. Therefore, isotopic dating of these
formations is very important.
Methods. The U – Pb age and data on the geochemistry of zircons were obtained by laser ablation (LA – ICP – MS).
Purpose of the research is to study the features of the geological structure, the material composition of volcanic rocks
in the Iset river basin, the geochemistry of zircons from andesites and the determination of their isotopic age.
Results of the work and the scope of their application. Lava flows of andesites and basaltic andesites with minor
amounts of basalts and dacites have tectonic contact with sedimentary rocks of the Early Carboniferous age.
The distribution of rare elements in volcanics is typical of supra-subduction formations. Zircons in andesites are
represented by prismatic and isometric crystals. Prismatic differences in the nature of the distribution of REE and the
content of Li, Ti, Sr, Th, U refer to zircons of magmatic genesis, isometric – to “hydrothermal”. According to the U /
Yb – Y ratios, the former correspond to the zircons of the ocean floor, while the latter are related to the continental
ones. Isotopic dating of zircons from andesites was carried out for the first time. Their age was 311 million years. The
data can be used in geological mapping, as well as in the compilation of large-scale geodynamic maps and diagrams.
Conclusions. Volcanic rocks in the Iset river basin were formed in supra-subduction continental-marginal geodynamic
conditions that took place in the Urals in the Carboniferous. The obtained value of the age of zircons from andesites,
possibly, fixes the stage of their transformation.
Keywords: East-Ural megazone, volcanic rocks, zircon, isotopic age.
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