
ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-78-81

Calculation of induction heaters for oil bottomhole pdf

A. M. Burmakin, E. S. Vil’danov, E. M. Ogarkov

Authors consider the problems of calculation of electromagnetic field and power characteristics of induction heater intended for heating of oil bottomhole. Warming up the well bottomhole is one of the effective ways to enhance oil recovery and increase well productivity. Induction heater of a solenoid coil type is simple to manufacture and provides maximum energy efficiency under the constrained space of the well. The main elements of considered induction heater are insulated copper wire coil and the inner magnetic circuit.
To evaluate the energy properties of the heater it is necessary calculate the distribution of the electromagnetic field inside and outside the heater. One can solve such problems using computational models that allow obtaining practical results with minimum effort and expense. Calculated heater model consists of several layers with constant values of conductivity and magnetic permeability. Influence of saturation is taken into account iteratively.
Initial data for calculation is the size of the coil, the magnetic core and casing pipe; electrical conductivity and magnetic permeability of the material of magnetic circuit and casing pipe; parameters of the coil and heater power source. Results of calculation are magnitude of the coil current and parameters of the electromagnetic field of all zones of the computational model of the heater.
Thereafter, authors calculate active and reactive power, impedance of the equivalent circuit and the power factor. Authors made the realization of heater calculation program in Mathcad. Article has the example of developed program output for calculating a heater parameters and the possibility of its use for heating of oil bottomhole.

Keywords: induction heater, oil bottomhole, casing pipe, coil and magnetic circuit of the heater, heater input data, calculation algorithm, calculation program, parameters of the electromagnetic field, active and reactive power, resistance of the equivalent circuit, heater current, the magnitude of the supply voltage.



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