
The role of the paleontological aspects to determine the hydrocarbon potential of the North-Western Caspian post-salt complex

I. V. Bystrova, T. S. Smirnova, D. A. Bychkova, M. S. Melikhov


DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.21440/2307-2091-2018-2-26-34

I. V. Bystrova et al. / News of the Ural State Mining University 2 (2018) 26-34


Relevance of the work. The Northwest Caspian Sea region has a high oil and gas resource potential. The discovery of a number of hydrocarbon deposits in recent decades is an important factor confirming the prospects of the territory in terms of oil and gas. The urgency of applying new methods of research to open the deposits of hydrocarbons is shown. In particular, the paleontological method is one of the most topical. The study of the organic world on the evolutionary basis allows substantiating the prospects of oil-and-gas content of the North-West Caspian Sea at the scientific level. The regional characteristics of paleotectonic development should definitely be taken into account. For these purposes, it is necessary to determine the dominant components of the organic world from bacteria to highly developed organisms that have developed throughout the geological time. In this regard, it is necessary to develop and identify the dialectical unity between paleotectonics and paleontology, which will reveal the laws of formation and placement of oil and gas deposits.
The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate the prospects of oil and gas potential and increase the forecast of the Mesozoic complex of the North-West Caspian Sea. The influence of paleotectonic and paleontological factors should be taken into account.
The methodology of the study. The study of the oil and gas deposits placement on the basis of the identification of the paleontological method’s role in determining the petroleum potential of the area. Analysis of material containing fossil remains of extinct organisms is one of the methods of the present research.
Results. The authors conducted long-term paleotectonic studies in the North-Western Caspian region, which allowed identifying a number of anticline rises at the local and regional level. In 1976 at one of these uplifts (Astrakhan vault) was opened at the unique fluid composition and the largest in size Astrakhan derogatories deposit. This confirmed the prospects of the territory in terms of oil and gas. The authors analyze the complex process of formation of hydrocarbons and their deposits. The basic causes and patterns that determine the concentration of gases in the sediments have been revealed. It is determined that higher concentrations are inherent to rocks of clay composition. The sapropelic differences of the organic matter are characteristic of subaqueous sediments. Their accumulation occurs under the conditions of maximum isolation from the influence of land. As a result of the carried-out works samples of rocks (core material) which processing was carried out on the basis Nizhne-Volzhsky research Institute of Geology and Geophysics in Saratov were selected. The presence of organic residues and their degree of preservation were determined. These indicators are good indicators of sedimentation conditions and can be used in the search for oil and gas deposits.
Summary. Long-term studies of the North-Western Caspian region based on the paleotectonic analysis and the use of the results of paleontological studies at the stage of detection and preparation of objects for exploratory drilling have been carried out. They allow not only studying the processes of formation of traps and associated hydrocarbon deposits. They also make it possible to ultimately assess the prospects of oil-and-gas content.

Keywords: paleotectonics; paleontology; North-Western Caspian region; hydrocarbons; organic matter; biosphere; petroleum; offshore area; the coastal area.


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